addictive! - my new company is now officially open for business.
As many of you will know, I left Mindshare in the summer to investigate opportunities in mobile. I've had a fascinating time, meeting lots of very smart people in the space (some old friends and many new friends) and I'm absolutely convinced that mobile is going to transform our business. If you have any doubts at all over the impact mobile is having, take 5 minutes to watch this Morgan Stanley video;
What I also realised is that, with some honourable exceptions, the space is not that well served by professional services companies. Brands just don't believe that their agencies - creative or media - get this space. And amongst those who do take it seriously there is too much emphasis on technology and not enough on consumer insight and creative thinking.
So I have decided to start an agency in this space. I've teamed up with my friends at Agenda21 - some of the smartest digital media people in the business - and we are launching addictive! - a full service mobile agency.
The team will offer everything needed to develop effective marketing campaigns that have mobile at their heart - strategy, creative, development and media. Clients can use all the services or just the ones they need at the time.
Whilst we specialise in mobile, we'll be working in areas like Facebook too, as we see the worlds of mobile and social as very close. And, just as we pioneered at DLKW Dialogue and Big Picture, we'll be working in an open source way; collaborating and partnering with our clients, technology providers, content producers, media owners and other agencies to produce big addictive ideas that define how mobile can be used to build business.
And of course if you, or anyone you know, need help determining how best you can use mobile to build your business do get in touch. I'll buy the cup of tea.
And if you still need convincing that moibile is the right place to be, listen to what smarter people than me have to say;
Google CEO Eric Schmidt: "The next big wave in advertising is the mobile internet"
WPP CEO Martin Sorrell: The biggest disappointment is that mobile advertising has not moved successfully as quickly as we'd like to see it. It's enormously attractive to clients. I
Publicis CEO Maurice Levy Perhaps surprisingly his view is that the prime digital medium will not be the internet as many predict, but the mobile phone. "In a couple of years, most of the information you share, most of the advertising you read, most of the messages you send, most of the music you listen to will transit through your cell phone," he states confidently.
NB - I'll be cross posting mobile stuff here and at addictive. Big Picture will also continue to look at non mobile stuff
congrats simon, and good luck!
Posted by: | November 29, 2009 at 09:46 PM