Over the years I have probably nicked more charts from Morgan Stanleys Mary Meeker than anyone else. Why? She is always right on the money and she supports her views with really good data.
In her presentation at Web 2.0 yesterday she nails it again - it's all about mobile.
The staggering Apple results, the momentum building around Android and the way people are embracing mobile as the remote control for their lives, tells us that mobile is the only game in town.
Enough people have smartphones ( and everyone else wants one) , the distribution through the burgeoning app stores now makes getting content and services out there easy and the built in business model offers great opportunity.
Now all that is needed is talent who can develop addictive content and services for this platform. Talent who can connect the mobile world with facebook and socialise this content and services. And talent who can find the right way for business to take advantage of this new opportunity; reducing costs, minimising churn, maximising profit and building a rich dialogue with their most valuable customers.
That's what we are focused on right now.