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I fully agree with Jhon Stratton. The media and audiences are changing and media, ad agencies can't just sit and wait to adapt. We must create otherwise we evaporate as he predicts. And yes, there is the future in wireless marketing. We are living in the era of screens, with TV screens being replaced by mobile phone screens.

Rob Lura

Agencies are forced to change. Have you checked the new player, Holotof? (http://www.holotof.com)

Very interesting... I don't know if it will work, but these guys are suggesting a new business model of global creative pitches online. If they succeed, well... I think the guy from Verizon will become one of their clients and the Agency scenario will have yet another radical change in the near future.


I agree too! The horizont is on a screeen (TV, Pc, Mobile etc) and the power of Communication for young people is the Edutainement

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