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karl long

Here, here. Now is certainly the time for experimentation.

Experiment is number 1 on my list of rules for managing the creation of viral marketing:

It is in fact something that agencies should think about in relation to the creative process in general. We can't just polish one idea and launch it in the market place. We need more of an "innovation" process as opposed to a creative process. Kind of like what David Kelly from IDEO is talking about when he says "we must fail faster so we can succeed sooner" (i'm paraphrasing)




Crispin Porter get this - I heard chuck porter talk about how they often had 4 or 5 ideas - all of which got (made on modest budgets). Then the ones that get traction with consumers get supported and the others just fade away - and we only remember the ones that get famous.
Sounds like a great way to work

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